Home > BRANDS > YAMAHA > YEAR/MODEL > 1971-DT250
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Throttle Cable <br>214-26312-00 Speedometer Cable<br>214-83550-01 Oil Pump Cable<br>214-26321-00
This is an exact reproduction of the original factory part (214-26312-00) produced by Yamaha in the traditional yamaha grey color. The parts we produce have all been obsolete for many years and are generally unavailable. When you can find them, they are already many years old.

Fits all 1968-1973 DT and RT models

This is an exact reproduction of the original factory part (214-83550-01) produced by Yamaha. The parts we produce have all been obsolete for many years and are generally unavailable. When you can find them, they are already many years old.

Fits all 1968-1973 DT & RT models

This is an exact reproduction of the original factory part (214-26321-00) produced by Yamaha. The parts we produce have all been obsolete for many years and are generally unavailable. When you can find them, they are already many years old.

Fits all 1968-1971 DT & RT models

Throttle Cable<br>214-26311-02 Front Brake Cable<br>214-26341-00 Clutch Cable<br>214-26335-00
Clutch Cable

Our Price: $19.95
This is an exact reproduction of the original factory part (214-26311-00) produced by Yamaha. The parts we produce have all been obsolete for many years and are generally unavailable. When you can find them, they are already many years old.

Fits all 1968-1971 DT and RT models

This is an exact reproduction of the original factory part (214-26341-00) produced by Yamaha. The parts we produce have all been obsolete for many years and are generally unavailable. When you can find them, they are already many years old.

Fits all 1968-1971 DT & RT models

This is an exact reproduction of the original factory part (214-26335-00) produced by Yamaha. The parts we produce have all been obsolete for many years and are generally unavailable. When you can find them, they are already many years old.

Fits all 1968-1973 DT & RT models

Cable Set<br>DT-RT 7 DT1/RT1<br>Seat Pan<br>1968-1971
Cable Set

Our Price: $89.95
Seat Pan

Our Price: $99.95
This is an exact reproduction of the original factory part (DT-RT 7) produced by Yamaha in traditional Yamaha grey. The parts we produce have all been obsolete for many years and are generally unavailable. When you can find them, they are already many years old.

Fits all 1968-1973 DT & RT models

This is an exact reproduction of the original factory part produced by Yamaha. The parts we produce have all been obsolete for many years and are generally unavailable. When you can find them, they are already many years old and Rusted.

Fits 1968-1971 DT1/RT1 MODELS